
Statistics for Experimental Economists. 2018.

Practice. Practice. Practice. Do Homework Management Systems Work?. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2018.

Experimental Market Design and Methodology: The Alaska Gas Pipeline. 2018.

Optimal Queueing With Strategic Balking. 2017.

Banking and Borrowing Pollution Credits in a Dynamic Investment Experiment. 2016.

Efficiency Gains from Using a Market Approach to Spectrum Management. Information, Economics and Policy, 2010.

Energy Reserve and Adjustment Market Behavior with Industry Network, Demand and Generator Parameters. Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, 2008.

Serial Cost Sharing Mechanisms. 2008.

Modeling the Efficiency of Spectrum Designated to Licensed Service and Unlicensed Operations. 2007.

Enhancing Spectrum's Value Through Market-informed Congestion Etiquettes. 2007.

A Market-based Approach to Establishing Licensing Rules: Licensed Versus Unlicensed Use of Spectrum. 2007.

Oligopoly Competition in Fixed Cost Environments. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2005.

Market Design and Motivated Human Behavior in Electricity Markets. IIE Transactions, 2003.

Competition For Versus On the Rails: A Laboratory Experiment. International Economic Review, 2002.

Theory, Experiment and the Federal Communications Commission Spectrum Auctions. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2002.

The First Use of a Combined Value Auction for Transportation Services. INFORMS-Interfaces, 2002.

Experimental Testbedding of a Pollution Trading System: Southern California's RECLAIM Emissions Market. Research in Experimental Economics, 2000.

Market Design and Motivated Human Trading Behavior in Electricity Markets. Proceedings of the 32th International Conference on Systems Sciences, 1999.

A ``Smart Market'' for the Trading of Radio Spectrum. 1999.

Experimental Comparisons of Auctions Under Single- and Multi-Unit Demand. Economic Inquiry, 1998.

Experimental tests of combinatorial auctions for the allocation of rail transportation rights. 1997.

Dynamic Decisions in a Laboratory Setting. Southern Economic Journal, 1997.

An Experimental Analysis of the Armed Bandit Problem. Economic Theory, 1997.

The design of the Dutch radio frequency auctions. 1996.

The Declining Price Anomaly in Sequential Auctions. Economics of the Arts, 1996.

Nash versus Evolutionary Strategies in Voluntary Contribution Experiments. 1996.

Information in the Dutch Flower Auctions: an experimental analysis. 1996.

Veiling van etherfrequenties (The auctioning of the radio spectrum). Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1995.

Information and Auction Design in the Dutch Flower Auctions. 1995.

Strategic Behavior in Sequential Auctions. 1994.

The Design and Implementation of a Combinatorial Auction for Transportation Network Routes. 1994.

Entry in spatial Competition and Strategic Uncertainty. 1994.

Experiments in Disequilibrium Dynamics. Conference proceedings of the Conference of Disequilibrium Dynamics, 1993.

Uncertainty and Leontief Systems: An Application to the Selection of Space Station System Designs. Management Science, 1989.